Everybody has a reason behind why they do what they’re doing. Even if you’re just sitting on the couch watching Netflix, you have a driving motivation (pleasure, relaxation, a desire to be distracted from something stressful, etc.). I used to think I was simply a creative person, and therefore doing creative things came naturally to…
I definitely created this post because I knew I’d be giving my website to people at Social Media Marketing World…
Action films aren’t my typical go-to (unless super hero movies count?). I’m the one who goes for dorky Disney Channel Original Movies, animated flicks, RomComs, family-aimed adventure movies, or films from decades-gone-by (especially if Don Knotts is involved). However, when my friends decided to watch through the John Wick trilogy, I decided to give it…
Recently I took up ballroom dancing. It has been a challenging shift, since my only previous history was in very casual swing dancing. In that realm, I felt reasonably confident because I’d memorized the majority of the steps that anyone ever did with me. Ballroom? Oh, it’s a whole different story. I had no idea…
The last couple of times I’ve played Frisbee or disc golf with anyone, I realized I have a bad habit of talking down to myself when I make a poor shot. Why? I often imagine others notice my mistakes as much as I do. It somehow feels awkward to move on without acknowledging or explaining…
Presently I live where I have to use a coin-based washing machine. Spending a total of $2.75 for each load that I wash and dry isn’t too bad, especially compared to the price of buying a washer and dryer. Still, I try to use my precious quarters as little as possible. Here are some ways…
I just got home from teaching at a youth group for the first time ever! I have to admit, it’s still slightly weird to me that someone would think of having me lead teenagers. Like, I’m barely out of my teen years, right? Then I realize: Right. I am 26. A decade or more older…
After seven-ish years of telling myself I would take up disc golf, I’ve finally gotten around to it! I’ll be the first to tell you: I really suck! But that’s okay. Today was only my first-ever play through of the local course, so I feel pre