So, You Want To Be A Radio Host?

Once upon a time, being an audio host was something only known to the few who could get onto the radio. As time and technology moved on, podcasting entered the equation.That was a great way for would-be radio hosts to gain a following. But what about your average joe who doesn’t want to go to the trouble of audio editing and getting their podcast out on the web?



Enter: Anchor.


Anchor is the wannabe radio host’s version of SnapChat. Within Anchor, you can start your own station where you can talk, share snippets of your favorite songs, and even receive call-ins from your listeners! Content stays on your station for 24 hours. If you love what you made, however, there are options. You can save audio to your archives, make it a permanently displayed episode, or even export it in a file to your computer or device!


Anchor places indie radio at your fingertips.


Whether you are in the game to create content or simply consume it, Anchor makes both simple! You can discover new stations by entering your interests to receive relevant suggestions. Alternately, you can search the app for friends to subscribe to. Once you have bookmarked some stations, anyone with new content will show up on your home screen. All you have to do is tap the user’s icon to hear their station! You don’t even have to leave the app on-screen to listen. Like your regular podcast app, you can turn off the screen or navigate your phone while you take in all the latest audio.


What are you waiting for?

Go nab the app from the iTunes Store or Google Play! Isn’t it about time you fulfilled that lifelong dream of becoming a radio personality?

Also, be sure and check out my newly-minted station at!

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