What Does Value Creation Look Like?

“Awareness, consideration, decision. We need content for people in each of these categories. Let’s each try to have a piece of content for each category by the time we have our meeting next week,” my boss told the marketing department yesterday.

“And remember people’s pain-points. We want to help and create something valuable for folks.”

Thus, with these words spoken, I entered today ready for some hardcore brainstorming. Lucky for me, Classical Conversations’ corporate office was made for stormy-brained creatives. One of my favorite things about being there is how accommodating they are to those of us with different work styles. We can work outside, at any of the various sitting or standing workstations in the hall, or at our desks. Also, so far nobody seems to judge me for taking off my shoes- woohoo! Today’s place of choice? The colorful comfy mini-couches with the dry erase tables.

Creating value can be an odd thing to observe during its development process.

Sure, we all know something valuable when we see it. We find something that resonates with us, connects with our struggles, and ultimately helps us in some fashion. But how do those things come into being? It is a strange process of evolution and everyone handles it a bit differently. Take for instance me vs. my co-worker, Shawn. We both are always full of ideas and we both do a lot of valuable things for the marketing department, but one side-by-side look at our desks and you’ll know there is a vast difference in our creative styles:

clean desk vs. colorful desk

Shawn keeps almost nothing at his desk and takes his laptop home at night. I opt to leave my computer at the office most of the time and turned my workspace into my home-away-from-home. In so many ways, we couldn’t be more opposite, but we are the same in the things that matter here; we get stuff done and we do it to improve the lives of others and bring glory to God.

How have I created value here so far?

Honestly, I create value in the oddest looking way possible. I’m sitting on the concrete outside in the sun. I’m doodling ideas in notebooks and glass-topped tables. I’m sitting cross-legged with my shoes off in my office chair. I’m sideways or backward on the couch in the hall. My work style is a running joke and several people in the company legitimately thought I didn’t have a cubicle (I promise, I use it often, though!). But you know what?

I get stuff done.

I’m that person who responds to every email and Slack notification in less than 5 minutes. I’m the girl who’s genuinely excited to tackle whatever project you give me. I am nearly always willing to take time to brainstorm with those who need someone to bounce ideas off of. I may not always know what I am doing at first but by golly, I’ll Google it and research it until I do. I know when people have a criticism of my work that it’s in my best interest and that of the company to hear them out fully and make adjustments when needed. If you don’t give me a project to work on, I’ll create one myself. If a valuable project doesn’t exist, then I pour that time into research and educating myself so that I can become a better worker.

All of these things go together with the ultimate aim of creating a better experience for both my customers and my team.

Whether you’re striving to improve the life of your customer or improve the lives of those in your workspace, the statement at the top stands.

“Remember people’s pain points. We want to help and create something valuable”

Whose pain points are you striving to alleviate? How are you helping them?

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