My Scariest Hiking Challenge & What It Taught Me

We all have things that frighten us. For me, it is crossing this abandoned railroad bridge over a rushing river in Idaho.



Every terrifying thing has a lesson lurking behind it. The act of crossing this bridge is no exception. Here are 4 things that the railroad bridge adventure taught me:


Assessment is important.

Whether we’re crossing a potentially hazardous bridge or about to have an important conversation, assess the situation. Look at things from a few different angles. Considering the best way to proceed ahead of time will likely lead to success down the road.


Input is valuable.

If it wasn’t for a second opinion from my hiking buddy, I wouldn’t have crossed the bridge. Having the additional affirmation increased my confidence and allowed our hike to continue. Likewise, in many other areas of life and work, getting a second opinion can be useful. Another pair of eyes can point out your writing errors. The wise words of someone with experience can push you in the right direction for your next project. The criticism of an authority can enhance your output.


Success does not eliminate fear.

I’ve crossed that bridge a total of four times now. You’d think I’d be okay with it after a while, but no. I still get shaky with fear and adrenaline every time. Sometimes that’s just how things go. There will always be things that scare you, and that’s okay. Just don’t let them keep you from your full potential.


We can overcome fear.

While I am still afraid of crossing that bridge, I’ve learned that I can push through it. It doesn’t mean I am any less scared, but it means I am not letting that fear control me. When I push through my fears, it enhances my sense of accomplishment in the end. It also reminds me that I can be stronger than I give myself credit for and gives me the confidence to overcome other fears.

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