September: A Time For New Experiences

Today marks new adventures for me on a couple of horizons!


Over September I am participating in a daily blogging challenge!


While I have done a lot of blogging over the past 10 years of my life, this will be the first time that I have ever tried to hold myself to writing daily for any considerable length of time. While many of my colleagues have been fearing this portion of the Praxis program, I’ve been excitedly waiting for it ever since I enrolled.


That said, I’ll admit: I am also a little nervous. Not about the writing itself, but because of the fact that it will be daily. I am the sort of person who nearly always has a story to tell, but will I make the deadlines? I’ve had difficulty in the past when I’ve tried to create new daily habits. This, however, I am determined to make a success. 


While daily blogging is indeed an exciting new challenge for me, I am currently being faced with an even bigger adventure: taking my first-ever solo international road trip.

Currently, I am being held captive at the Canadian border crossing.


Let me tell you, my friend: next time you plan an international excursion, do yourself a favor and leave your pepper spray at home!


As a small female who is traveling alone across the state of Washington, I figured it might be a good idea to have my little key chain spray handy. Next time I cross the border, I’ll have to come up with a more creative means of self-defense that will not earn me a seat in the border patrol office and a search warrant for my vehicle. Lesson learned!


At any rate, all of the border patrol officers here seem pretty nice, and it’s a good place to stretch my legs a little before I continue my trek into Burnaby, BC. Not all bad, eh?


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